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PPC is a known word to us nowadays, mainly to those who are in the field of business or more technically, the people who deal with digital marketing and SEO strategies for their business. 


So, What Does PPC Stand For?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click campaigns. Previously we have seen this in Google Adwords ( currently known as Google Ads) campaigns, and now for Amazon. 

How Does a PPC Campaign Work?

PPC is a kind of advertising for your business/services/products on some platform. In this case, it is Amazon. So, you can also run PPC campaigns on the Amazon platform nowadays. When you run a PPC campaign, your ads will be visible on the platform, in this case, the platform is Amazon. When people see your ads, you don’t pay any money to Amazon, but when people click on those ads, you will do so. 

How Do You Pay to Amazon for PPC?

At first, you need to bid for the ads. You can decide on the Amazon PPC cost you are going to pay per ad click to Amazon PPC agency. Normally, the bid varies from $.01 to $3. The advertiser who bids the highest CPC wins the auction. Now, he must decide how he wants to run the campaign for that particular keyword for which he will run the PPC campaign or like to hire Amazon PPC Service provider

What is Amazon PPC?


Amazon has turned out to be the most popular search engine in terms of buying and selling products. People across the world have been preferring buying and selling their products on the Amazon platform due to their service efficiency and reliability on the delivery process. Nowadays, whatever the product you want to buy, be it a television or a smartphone people are preferring to buy it on Amazon.

Once you visit the Amazon website, you can search a variety of products of your choice, get plenty of options for each type of product, and finally make a purchase after verifying through the product reviews mentioned below the product detail and also depending upon your requirements. 

You can also observe that there are many ads shown on the website which promote similar types of products you have been looking for. Sometimes you also might have clicked them and had made a purchase, isn’t it? They are the PPC ads at Amazon. 

How do You Place a PPC Ad as a Seller for your Products?

You might be interested in knowing how does Amazon advertise. Let’s talk about that.

We have already discussed earlier how to bid for the PPC ads and how the Amazon marketing campaigns take place. Now if you win the auction by placing the highest bid per ad, you need to plan some strategy that works for you. There are three types of PPC ads on Amazon. They are – 

Ad Types in Amazon 

  1. Sponsored Product Ads 
  2. Sponsored Brand Ads 
  3. Product Display Ads 


You have these three options for placing PPC ads on the Amazon platform. Let us discuss them briefly here. 

Sponsored Product Ads


These ads are placed in between the product list. An Amazon sponsored product strategy will be based on organic search results. The keyword that you have chosen for the PPC campaigning, if it matches with the search term by the buyer, your ads will be shown within the product list on the first page. It Will appear somewhere in the middle, situated between any two products in the list. Most likely this type ad will be shown below the search bar. 

Sponsored Brand Ads


These ads will be shown just above the search bar along with some other PPC ads. These will also be shown according to the organic keyword searches. The keyword you have chosen for the PPC campaign, if that exactly or partly matches with the search term, the ads will appear on the search page. 

Product Display Ads


Amazon product display ads will appear on the right side of the search page under the ” add to cart ” option. These ads will appear according to the organic searches as well as randomly. They can also be visible through re-marketing strategies by Amazon. Suppose a user has already searched for a similar product, now by using the cookies, Amazon will show that ad to the same user if he browses and visits some other websites also. This action takes place using the re-marketing strategies by Amazon SEM which is in a beta stage currently. 

There is a dashboard given to you when you run the PPC campaigns. You can keep track of the Amazon SERP to understand the Amazon PPC Campaign structure in detail.

What Measures to be Taken Before Running PPC Ad Campaigns?

Before you could start with your PPC campaign on Amazon, it is recommended to complete these two tasks to enhance Amazon advertising strategy

  1. Optimize the Product Detail Page 
  2. Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research 


Let’s discuss them briefly here. 

Optimizing The Product Detail Page

Once the product detail page is optimized, you will get the desired result, that is sales. It is of no use of dragging the customers through the ad campaigns if the product page is not correctly optimized. 

What do you mean by Optimizing the Product Page?


There are some steps to be followed while optimizing the product page. They are

Write the product detail thoroughly, in detail, including all the key features of the products, brand name, model number, product description, pros and cons of the product, a general overview of the product, customer reviews, original unboxed images of the product, etc. 

Include the keywords properly after thorough research on the keyword selections. 

Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research

While listing your product, you also need to analyze the content of a similar product to yours that have been ranking before you in the search results. This will give you an idea of how the content should look like and what are the keywords and phrases it should contain to rank on top. 

While adding the keywords, choose the ones that have higher search volume and lower competition. Once the keywords are finalized, you should add them nicely within the body of the content, within the H1, H2, H3 tags and within the image description, image title, and image captions. 

Apart from these, you also need to focus on the ACoS for Amazon PPC campaign. 

What is this now? What is ACoS? 

It might be some out of the world for you. Don’t worry, we’ll get to know about it shortly. Interested? Let’s discuss. 

What is ACoS in Amazon PPC?


The full form of ACoS is Advertisement Cost of Sales. So, you might be wondering, how it is related to Amazon PPC campaign. Now, there are big companies who initially don’t look for any immediate monetary ROI from the paid ad campaigns. They mainly focus on promotions and spreading their brand name through their products. Even sometimes they don’t run the ad campaigns to generate immediate sales. They just want to promote the product, make it more visible to the customers. They focus on a long term ROI from their product advertisement, which works for them.

But, there are small or medium level business owners who want an immediate ROI through their ad campaigns. If you fall into this category, please go through this part carefully and try to implement this while running a PPC campaign for your product. 

ACoS is the measurement using which you can calculate the rate of success of your PPC ad campaign. Before running a PPC campaign you need to decide upon the total cost you want to spend on the ad campaign. 

Suppose, the profit margin per sale is 50% and the total cost of running the ad campaign is 30%. So if you can generate even one sale also out of the ad campaign, you will be making a profit of 50%-30%= 20% which is not a bad performance. Here, you won’t be taking any headache for marketing and promoting your product, while the PPC campaign will perform all the tasks for you. So, it’s all in all a perfectly profitable business for you. But make sure that your landing page or the product detail page is in such condition that it can convert the leads into sales. Remember, you will not be present there to convince your visitor or the potential customer, the landing page has to perform your role in place of you. 

It’s wise to optimize the PPC campaign much before you could run one. 

How to Optimize Amazon PPC Campaign?

There are two ways you can run Amazon PPC campaigns. 

  1. Automated Campaigns ( Amazon does the optimization for you and accordingly run the PPC campaign) 
  2. Manual Campaigns ( You control it manually without any sort of involvement by Amazon) 


Automated or Manual, Which is Better?


Experts say Manual campaigns are much better than the automated ones. 

Why So? 

It’s because you know your business far better than Amazon and anyone else. So, it’s you who should select the keywords of your choice and the types of ads to run that suits your product promotion. Anyways, if you leave it to Amazon, there will be no human involvement in running the campaign. The Amazon bots will do that. So, we cannot expect a practical result always. 

Negative Campaigning

If you run manual campaigns, then there is one extraordinary feature by Amazon, called Negative Campaigning, where you can restrict Amazon from showing the ads based on your preferences. The keyphrases for which you don’t want your ads to show to the buyers, you can restrict those keyphrases. Sometimes, you can see that for some key phrases you don’t get a higher CTR( Click Through Rate). It can also happen that, you get clicks and visits, but don’t get a good conversion rate. You should restrict those keyphrases. 

There are mainly three types of keyphrase match that can take place in Amazon SEO. Those are- 

  1. Exact Match 
  2. Phrase Match 
  3. Broad Match 


Even, you can control these also, when you manage the PPC campaign in Amazon manually. So, as you can see, that there will be so many amazing options for you when you do the PPC optimization manually. Still, the products that are popular and have a good conversion will be more preferable by Amazon to be shown in the search results. 

Then, you might be having the question in your mind that 

Will Amazon PPC Won’t Work?

It will work it will. That is the reason so many people are investing in it and it is becoming more and more popular day by day. The products which are launched very recently will get the best advantage out of these PPC campaigns because they don’t have a good selling record. But still, they will compete with the products that are already popular, having a good selling record and have a higher conversion rate. 


So, the SEO experts recommend that if you have a new product that is launched recently on the Amazon platform, optimize it nicely and start the Amazon PPC campaign. If the product is good, you will get a high return on investment. 

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